Time to think!!

Now that you have been studying and experimenting ..... I would like you to think about your own projects.

This is going to be the last project in Primary school, so I encourage all of you to do your best.

I am going to miss you all!


1.- Think and design an experiment in which we can find a chemical change: Explain the experiment so more people can do it . ( As we do in class)

Do not forget to follow the scientific method which is the most important thing.

    Ex:  materials ( you need to explain the materials you are going to need in order to do your experiment)

                  One ballon          Baking soda
                   Bottle                  Vinegar

     This is an example, remember that you need to think about another one of your own.

 Imagine you are the teacher and you need to explain an experiment to your students.

    2.- Think and design an experiment in which we can find a physical change: Explain the experiment so more people can do it. ( As we do in class)

Do not forget to follow the scientific method 

  Ex: materials:

                2 gummy bears
                 Baking soda

This is an example, you need to think and explain another experiment of your own.

Send results to : santamartabilingual@gmail.com

Deadline: June 19th 

Just to remember:

  Physical change: It is a change in the appearance: colour, shape, size......

Chemical change:It is a change that produces a new substance, so the matter change into another one.

Good luck to everyone and keep on Sciencing!!